
We are happy to help you

Would you like more information about Half5, or is there something missing in our app? Please contact us! You can also use WhatsApp!

We are happy to help you and are open to suggestions.

send WhatsApp
+31 6 43 42 45 67
[email protected]
KvK 56845367
VAT NL002365659B60
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It's about time

Ensure more billable hours

Because your people know better what they have done, you can invoice an extra € 10.000,- per year.

  • Hourly rate: € 75,-
  • Workable days: 260 days
  • Half an hour 'lost' time per day because some tasks are forgotten

This will cost you € 9.750,- per year per employee!
260 days * half an hour * € 75,-

Do you also want more billable hours? Try 7 days for free. Invoice edited hours quickly and we prepare invoices in your accounting package.

Try 7 days for free