Time registration

We give you smart suggestions

Wherever you are, you can always register your hours from your pocket! In addition to our iOS & Android app, you can also use our app on the computer.

Overview of registered hours on desktop
Overview of registered hours on mobileDetails of registered hours on mobile

Register your hours

Wherever you are, you can always register your hours from your pocket! In addition to our iOS & Android app, you can also use our app via the browser.


We give smart suggestions such as the contact you worked for. This means you can finish registering your hours even faster.


You can easily change days, weeks or years. This way you can view or add old registrations.


No unnecessary buttons or information, we only show the things that are important. Our simple overview allows you to register your hours more efficiently.


As an administrator, you can easily switch users so that you can adjust your employee's hours.

Overview of registered hours on mobileDetails of registered hours on mobile
YouTube video thumbnail
Overview of contacts on desktop
Overview of contacts on mobileDetails of contacts on mobile


Link your hours to a company or person

Enter a company and we will automatically retrieve it from the Chamber of Commerce.

Set hourly rates on your contact and link to your hours, so you can invoice everything to your customer with 1 push of a button!

More about contacts
Overview of projects on desktop
Overview of projects on mobileDetails of projects on mobile


See if your project is profitable

No hassle, the most important things in 1 overview. View your spent hours, spent budget and your billable hours!

Link your project to contacts and set your budget and hourly rate.

More about projects
Overview of employees on desktop
Overview of employees on mobileDetails of employees on mobile


Work together with your employees

Invite your employees via our app and gain insight into hours and productivity.

View your employees' hours per day, week, month, quarter or year. Or export them to your customer.

More about employees
Sending invoice via accounting connections on mobileDetails of accounting connection synchronization on mobile
Details of invoice with accounting connections on desktop
Sending invoice via accounting connections on mobileDetails of invoice with accounting connections on mobile


Transfer your hours to the administration

Save time and prevent errors in your administration. Our accounting links allow you to transfer your invoices to your administration.

More about integrations


Transfer your hours to the administration

Save time and prevent errors in your administration. Our accounting links allow you to transfer your invoices to your administration.

More about integrations
Overview of hours to approve on desktop
Overview of hours to approve on mobileScreen to send a message to the employee on mobile

Approve hours

Check before invoicing

Check the hours of your employees before invoicing them. Adjust and approve them. This way you can be sure that your customers receive the correct invoice.

More about hour approval

It's about time

Ensure more billable hours

Because your people know better what they have done, you can invoice an extra € 10.000,- per year.

  • Hourly rate: € 75,-
  • Workable days: 260 days
  • Half an hour 'lost' time per day because some tasks are forgotten

This will cost you € 9.750,- per year per employee!
260 days * half an hour * € 75,-

Do you also want more billable hours? Try 7 days for free. Invoice edited hours quickly and we prepare invoices in your accounting package.

Try 7 days for free