Approve hours

Check before invoicing

Check the hours of your employees before invoicing them. Adjust and approve them. This way you can be sure that your customers receive the correct invoice.

Overview of hours to approve on desktop
Overview of hours to approve on mobileScreen to send a message to the employee on mobile


Approve your hours by clicking on the green button. This way all hours will end up in the billing overview. It is also possible to approve all hours by default.


You see all hours of yourself and your employees in one overview. This way you know exactly how many hours have been entered and whether they are correct.


The hours are grouped per week. In addition, only the days that contain hours are shown. This makes it clear without unnecessary information.


See an error in the hours? Easily adjust them by clicking on the item. This way you can be sure that your customers receive the correct invoice.


Report an error, comment or question about a project via the mail icon. This way you can send a message directly to your employee or colleague.

Overview of approved hours on mobileDetails of hours via the hours approval screen on mobile
Overview of approved hours on desktop

It's about time

Ensure more billable hours

Because your people know better what they have done, you can invoice an extra € 10.000,- per year.

  • Hourly rate: € 75,-
  • Workable days: 260 days
  • Half an hour 'lost' time per day because some tasks are forgotten

This will cost you € 9.750,- per year per employee!
260 days * half an hour * € 75,-

Do you also want more billable hours? Try 7 days for free. Invoice edited hours quickly and we prepare invoices in your accounting package.

Try 7 days for free