Automatic time tracking

Bill forgotten hours

With our timeline, you never have to guess how much time you spent on a task. Half5 brings peace of mind, focus on your work, and allows you to determine how much time you spent on a task afterwards.

By using our advanced timeline, you suddenly remember that you worked an extra hour after 5. That's quick money!

Overview of the timeline with suggestions based on internet activity


On the timeline you can see a summary of where you have spent most of your time. You can use the timeline to add hours to your time tracking.


We provide smart suggestions that see for which customer or project you have worked. You can also generate the description so you don't have to do anything!


Your computer keeps track of which websites are open and which programs you have used. Of course, you can delete or adjust this data. You can also set it so that some programs or websites are not saved.

100% privacy

We understand that you don't want us (or your boss) to know what you do on your computer. That's why we store the timeline data only on your computer so that no one else can access it.


Set which websites or programs are not saved. For example, you can exclude Social Media usage from the timeline.


No one can see your internet history, not even Half5! Everything is stored locally on your computer so no one can access your data.

Overview of the timeline with suggestions based on internet activity
Disabling URLs in the timeline so they are not shownDisabling programs in the timeline so they are not shown
YouTube video thumbnail
Overview of registered hours on desktop
Overview of registered hours on mobileDetails of registered hours on mobile

Time registration

We give you smart suggestions

Wherever you are, you can always register your hours from your pocket! In addition to our iOS & Android app, you can also use our app on the computer.

More about time registration
Overview of registered hours on desktop
Overview of registered hours on mobileDetails of registered hours on mobile


All unbilled hours in 1 overview!

Sometimes you don't know exactly who you worked for the past month, we understand that. That's why you can invoice all unbilled hours with 1 click.

Select customers, projects or hours and create an invoice. Add extra lines or discount and send or download the invoice. You can also create invoices without time registration.

More about invoices
Productivity of employees on desktop
Productivity of employees on mobileReporting hours on mobile


Insight into productivity and exporting your hours

Get insight into the productivity of your business and export your hours to Excel or PDF. This way you always have an overview of the hours worked and can easily share them with your customers.

More about statistics

It's about time

Ensure more billable hours

Because your people know better what they have done, you can invoice an extra € 10.000,- per year.

  • Hourly rate: € 75,-
  • Workable days: 260 days
  • Half an hour 'lost' time per day because some tasks are forgotten

This will cost you € 9.750,- per year per employee!
260 days * half an hour * € 75,-

Do you also want more billable hours? Try 7 days for free. Invoice edited hours quickly and we prepare invoices in your accounting package.

Try 7 days for free